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GGP Policies

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event organizers assume responsibility for the measures described on this page.

We trust and believe in scientific data and we value the well-being and integrity of everyone!


To ensure the safety of everyone, from the team to the participants, we will REQUIRE the following measures without exception:


  • The sanitary pass or test requirements, will be required if the government institutions demand by law or decree;


  • Not mandatory but recomended use of mask in the event space - unless government institutions demand by law or decree the release of indoor mask use;


  • Disinfection with hydroalcoholic gel and extra careful individual hygiene.


In case of necessary cancellation due to the Pandemic, the event will be rescheduled for the following year, 2023.

All the passes will be automatically carried over to the following year.

Refund due to the Pandemic or Force Majeure

The event will refund the Passes under the following conditions and percentages:


  • In any case of cancelation due to Covid-19 or force majeure the participant can just transfer the Pass to the next year event edition.


  • If the registered participant purchased insurance when purchasing their Pass, they will be entitled to a full 100% refund of the Pass value (but not the insurance amount). This insurance is valid for any reason of cancellation, whether personal or Covid-19.


  • If the participant purchased the Pass without insurance and the event is canceled due to Covid-19 or force majeure, the participant will be refunded 70% of the amount paid. The 30% withheld refers to the administration fees of the sales platform, cards, and non-refundable logistical reservations for the event.


  • If the participant purchased the Pass without insurance and cannot attend the event due to a positive Covid-19 test or missing vaccine, the participant will be reimbursed 70% of the amount paid.


Important Guide Lines

We take care to organize and publicize the event ONE YEAR in advance, just so that everyone can organize to participate following the rules.


We rely on everyone's common sense and understanding.


We cannot be held responsible for third party costs such as hotel and flight. That's why we strongly encourage each participant to book early to ensure the best rates WITH INSURANCE should they need to cancel. In this way they all avoid losing the money invested.


We are doing the best we can for the health and physical, mental/emotional and financial integrity of all of us.


Any question, get in touch. We will be happy to help!

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